Founding partner of Pomegranate, a consultancy and training company specialized in PPM (Project and Portfolio Management), Miguel created two software-houses and was a partner at another consultancy firm specialized in PPM and general manager of a training company.
Miguel created and coordinates the Executive MBA in Sustainable Project Management at Autónoma Academy from Lisbon Autónoma University and 2 other Post-Graduations in Project Management in different Universities. He is also responsible for Project Management modules in several MBAs, Post Graduations and Master’s Degrees.
Has over 30 years of experience in Project Management consulting and training in Portugal, Angola, Belgium, Brazil, Colombia, France, Morocco, Mozambique, Switzerland, and UK, in Portuguese, English and French and is certified by IPMA, GPM, PMI and FLEKS.
At IPMA – International Project Management Association, he is a former member of the Advisory Committee, an IPMA Global Awards Assessor, has participated in several IPMA projects and is now the creator and Project Manager of project PM4NP – Project Management for Non-Profits, and team member of IPMA Kids.
He was President, Vice-president, and General Secretary of the Board of APOGEP – Portuguese Association of Project Management.
He is Global Director of Innovation of GPM – Green Project Management, GPM360 Registered Consultant and Assessor, and GPM Global Ambassador.