Aurelio Blanquet has an MBA degree and is an Electrotechnical Engineer with a specialization in Systems Automation.
Since September 2021 he is Secretary General of EE-ISAC, the European Energy Information Sharing & Analysis Centre.
Until 2021 he was Board Advisor at E-Redes, the Portuguese DSO, and from 2007 was Director of Energy Networks Digital Platform at EDP Distribuição, being responsible for the Critical OT Strategy and Roadmap, including Cybersecurity, Telecominications, SCADA, Substation Automation Systems and HV/MV Smart Grid Automation.
Besides his duties with EE-ISAC he is active in the EUTC – European Utilities Telecom Council as Honorary Member. He is also member of the WEF – World Economic Forum.
Throughout his professional career he assumed several roles and responsibilities in European entities:
- Chair of the Assembly Committee and General Assembly of ENCS – European Network for Cyber Security
- Vice-Chair of EUTC – European Utilities Telecom Council
- Principal Director at Prime Alliance
- Head of the Portuguese National Secretariat of Cired – International Conference on Electricity Distribution
- Participant of several digital initiatives promoted by the CCE – Conseil de Coopération Économique